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The Number: What Do you Need for the Rest of Your Life, and What Will It Cost?

Is it an elaborate hoax?. Or is it authentic?. Will it confirm or contradict widely held beliefs regarding the mother of our Lord?. The obscure archaeologist who discovered it craves the notoriety it will bring.

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ConditionBook is in good condition! The cover has light wear. A few pages have creases in upper corners (earmarked).
Subject Keyword'help', 'non-fiction', 'self'
Unspsc Code55101500
Item Type Keywordbook
Number Of Items1
Series TitleA Completely Different Way to Think About the Rest of Your..
AuthorEisenberg, Lee
Publication Date2006T
Supplier Declared Dg Hz Regulationnot_applicable
Item NameThe Number: What Do you Need for the Rest of Your Life, an..
Product Site Launch Date2007-06-18T20:44:38-00:00

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