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The Paralyzing Truth: Finding Strength and Hope in the Midst of Tragedy and

Although our hearts ached, our negative emotions demanded us to give up hope from this tragedy, but we couldn't let them dictate how the rest of this journey would end. We took back control. Romans 8:18 Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory, He will reveal to us later. We learned through this journey that we could rely on our faith each day, one day at a time, living beyond the lies we tell ourselves, and that we could find strength and hope and get through each day as it came, as long as we were willing to make the right choices over and above our feelings, God is always faithful to give us the strength we need. If you feel alone in the midst of a storm you're facing, looking to be inspired and hopeful through one's tragedy, even in Grief, this book is for you.

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Location: Hillsdale, AU, NSW
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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 76 pages
AuthorSherwood, Judith
Book TitleThe Paralyzing Truth: Finding Strength and Hope in
Item Height0.4 cm
Item Length19.8 cm
Item Weight0.09 kg
Item Width12.9 cm
PublisherPublication Consultants

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