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The Princess and the Happiness Book by Ulf Stark Kids Castle/Fairy Tale style

This enchanting tale, "The Princess and the Happiness" by Ulf Stark, is a must-have addition to any child's book collection. In the Fairy Tale Forest anything can happen & it does! Someone has stolen the King's happiness & the princess goes looking for it. The hardcover book is written in English and published by Krullig, making it the perfect gift for children who love fairy tales.The book is a great way to introduce children to the joy of reading and spark their imagination. The story is filled with magic, adventure, and plenty of interesting characters to keep young minds engaged. With its charming illustrations and captivating storyline, "The Princess and the Happiness" is a book that will be treasured by both children and parents alike.

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Book TitleThe Princess and the Happiness
AuthorUlf Stark
GenreFairy Tale
TopicBooks, Castles, Princesses

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