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The Ride Home: Strategies to Succeed for Parents and Coaches by Jon Barth

By simply participating in a sport, will a person automatically learn life lessons and increase character skills like discipline, cooperation, and loyalty? Participation in sports can, and very well should teach character. But without the proper perspective and guidance from mentors, the sports experience for many boys and girls can do more harm than good. The good news is there is a simple solution, and all it requires is the proper perspective. The Ride Home encourages everyone to use the sports experience to intentionally build character and teach life lessons so that players, parents, and coaches can all enjoy the journey!

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 136 pages
AuthorJon Barth
Book TitleThe Ride Home: Strategies to Succeed for Parents a
Item Height0.7 cm
Item Length20.3 cm
Item Weight0.14 kg
Item Width12.7 cm
PublisherRise Above Leadership

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