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The Saga of Edmund Burke: From His Age to Ours (Routledge Studies in Modern

This book offers an examination of responses to Edmund Burke from the last decades of the eighteenth century to the present day, ending with the question whether there is still a role for him to play in post-Thatcher England. It includes a chapter asking the same question about America. The sharp focus on Burke's legacy permits the author to cover a great many years while remaining quite concise. Written in an accessible style, modest in length, covering major debates in England over the course of two centuries and more, this book aims to reach out to as many potential readers as possible.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatHardback, 192 pages
AuthorHulliung, Mark (Brandeis University, USA)
Book TitleThe Saga of Edmund Burke: From His Age to Ours (Ro
Item Height1.3 cm
Item Length22.9 cm
Item Weight0.53 kg
Item Width15.2 cm
PublisherTaylor & Francis Ltd

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