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The Self-Centered Marriage: The Revolutionary Scream-Free Approach to Rebuilding

In his groundbreaking new book, ScreamFree Marriage, Runkel now shows couples how learning to stay calm, in the face of common marital conflicts, is the key to creating and enjoying a deep, lifelong connection.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleSelf-Centered Marriage : The Revolutionary ScreamFree Approach to Rebuilding Your We by Reclaiming Your I
PublisherPotter/Ten SPEED/Harmony/Rodale
Item Length8 in
Publication Year2012
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height0.7 in
AuthorJenny Runkel, Hal Runkel
GenreFamily & Relationships
TopicLove & Romance, Marriage & Long-Term Relationships, General, Conflict Resolution
Item Weight9.2 Oz
Item Width5.2 in
Number of Pages304 Pages

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