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The Social Archaeology of the Levant: From Prehistory to the Present by Assaf Ya

The Social Archaeology of the Levant by Assaf Yasur-Landau, Eric H. Cline, Yorke Rowan. Assaf Yasur-Landau is associate professor at the University of Haifa, a Fulbright Scholar, and head of the laboratory for Coastal Archaeology and Underwater Survey.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleThe Social Archaeology of the Levant
Subject AreaSocial Science, History
Publication NameSocial Archaeology of the Levant : from Prehistory to the Present
PublisherCambridge University Press
Item Length10.3 in
SubjectArchaeology, Middle East / General
Publication Year2018
Item Height1.4 in
AuthorEric H. Cline
Item Weight55 Oz
Item Width7.3 in
Number of Pages676 Pages

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