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The South in International Economic Regimes: Whose Globalization? by S. Maswood

Maswood examines the trade and regulatory structures that inhibit the capacity of developing countries to improve their economic conditions. In particular, the book looks at institutional structures of the WTO and examines the Doha Round negotiations to assess their success for developing countries.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleThe South in International Economic Regimes
Subject AreaPolitical Science, Social Science, Business & Economics
Publication NameSouth in International Economic Regimes : Whose Globalization?
PublisherPalgrave Macmillan The Limited
Item Length8.5 in
SubjectInternational / Economics, Political Economy, Developing & Emerging Countries, International Relations / Trade & Tariffs, International Relations / General, Public Policy / Economic Policy
Publication Year2005
SeriesInternational Political Economy Ser.
Item Height0.6 in
AuthorS. Javed Maswood, S. J. Maswood
Item Weight15.3 Oz
Item Width5.5 in
Number of PagesXi, 210 Pages

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