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The Surveying Handbook Edited by Russell C. Brinker Roy Minnick, land surveying

This comprehensive surveying handbook is a must-have for anyone interested in and wanting to learn land surveying. Edited by Russell C. Brinker and Roy Minnick, this hardcover book features multiple contributing authors in the field of civil engineering and land surveying. This book covers a wide range of topics regarding land surveying. With a focus on practical aspects of land surveying, this book is perfect for both beginners and experienced professionals. It includes detailed information on equipment, tools, and techniques needed for accurate and efficient surveying. The book is published by Van Nostrand Reinhold, copywrite 1987.

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ConditionVery Good
Book TitleThe Surveying Handbook
AuthorMixed Authors
PublisherVan Nostrand Reinhold
GenreEngineering & Technology

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