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The Third Horseman: A Story of Weather, War, and the Famine History Forgot

In May 1315, years before the Black Death, it started to rain. For the seven disastrous years that followed, Europeans would be visited by a series of curses unseen since the third book of Exodus: floods, ice, failures of crops and cattle and epidemics not just of disease, but of pike, sword and spear. All told, six million lives, one-eighth of Europe's total population, would be lost. This is the stunning story of the oft-overlooked Great Famine, told with wit and drama, it demonstrates what it all means for today's discussions of climate change.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleThe Third Horseman: A Story of Weather, War, and t
Item Length21.3 cm
Publication Year2015
Publication NameThe Third Horseman: a Story of Weather, War and the Famine History Forgot
Item Height214 mm
AuthorWilliam Rosen
PublisherPenguin Putnam Inc
Item Weight284 g
Item Width140 mm
Number of Pages304 Pages

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