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The Tools of Screenwriting: A Writer's Guide to the Craft and Elements of a

In "The Tools of Screenwriting," David Howard and Edward Mabley illuminate the essential elements of cinematic storytelling, and reveal the central principles that all good screenplays share. The authors address questions of dramatic structure, plot, dialogue, character development, setting, imagery, and other crucial topics as they apply to the special art of filmmaking. Howard and Mabley also demonstrate how, on a practical level, the tools of screenwriting work in sixteen notable films, including "Citizen Cane," "E.T.," "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," "Rashomon," "The Godfather," "North by Northwest," "Chinatown," and s"ex, lies, ""and videotape." David Howard and Edward Mabley; Introduction by Frank Daniel

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BrandSaint Martin's Press Inc.
FormatPaperback, 320 pages

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