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The Trauma of Caste: A Dalit Feminist Meditation on Survivorship, Healing, and

Broken by suffering. Caste-one of the oldest systems of exclusion in the world-is thriving. Despite the ban on Untouchability 70 years ago, caste impacts 1.9 billion people in the world. And the wreckages of caste are replicated here in the U.S., too-erupting online with rape and death threats, showing up at work, and forcing countless Dalits to live in fear of being outed.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 296 pages
AuthorSoundararajan, Thenmozhi
Book TitleThe Trauma of Caste: A Dalit Feminist Meditation o
Item Height2.2 cm
Item Length22.6 cm
Item Weight0.36 kg
Item Width15.2 cm
PublisherNorth Atlantic Books

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