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The Up and Down Life: The Truth about Bipolar Disorder--The Good, the Bad, and

A fresh, honest, and practical guide to living with bipolar disorder. Paul Jones, a stand-up comedian and workshop leader who suffers from bipolar disorder, uses humor, honesty, and hard-won practical advice to dispel the stigma surrounding mental illnesses and shed light on the challenges of living with bipolar disorder. Offering an intimate view of life with bipolar disorder-including the most common mistakes bipolar individuals make and how to avoid them- and covering every aspect from diagnosis, social life, home life, and career, this is an accessible and engaging guide from someone who's been there and can help readers cope and thrive.

26.05$ Buy It Now

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 240 pages
AuthorJones, Paul E.
Book TitleThe Up and Down Life: The Truth about Bipolar Diso
Item Height1.8 cm
Item Length21.1 cm
Item Weight0.17 kg
Item Width13.8 cm

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