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The Wall (Die Mauer) Postcard Book by Armin Lindauer 1998 - Rare Vintage

The photographer captured graffiti art found on the Berlin Wall taken between 1984 and 1987. From Armin Landauer’s site This rare version was originally published by the Museum Haus am Checkpoint Charlie (Mauer Museum Wall) Berlin, Germany in 1998.

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ConditionVery Good
Book TitleThe Wall
Ex LibrisNo
Narrative TypeNon-Fiction
PublisherMuseum Haus am Checkpoint Charlie
Item Length6 in
Publication Year1998
LanguageEnglish, French, German
Item Height4.5 in
AuthorArmin Lindauer
TopicGraffiti Art
Country/Region of ManufactureGermany
Item Weight16 oz
Item Width1 in
Number of Pages33

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