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The Whole Body Breathing: Discovering the Subtle Rhythms of Yoga

The Whole Body Breathing offers a clear practice. The simplicity of this practice will have a profound effect on your whole body, and will guide you in the gradual discovery of the vitality of your spine. Sequences of walking, standing, sitting and lying down will nurture and revitalise the whole body, uncovering and awakening special places along the spine. Explore the reality of rooting into the earth and expanding into space at the same time. Following in the footsteps of Vanda Scaravellis teaching, where awareness, breath and freedom are the essential elements, The Whole Body Breathing stimulates and supports yoga students and teachers alike in the lifelong yoga journey, with joy and playfulness

22.91$ Buy It Now

Item204801596584Ebay Right Now
Seller simplybestprices-10to20dayshipping ( 475756 ⭐ ) 98.1%
Location: Los Angeles, US, CA
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ConditionBrand New
Item Length20.8 cm

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