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Theology Is for Preaching: Biblical Foundations, Method, and Practice by Chase R

Is it right to "just preach the text"?. Why do we preach and do theology?. How do we relate them?. And how do they relate to God's word?. Chase R. Kuhn (PhD, Western Sydney) is coordinator of the John Chapman Preaching Initiative, director of the Centre for Christian Living, and lecturer in theology and ethics at Moore Theological College in Sydney, Australia.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Publication Year2021
FormatTrade Paperback
Book TitleTheology Is for Preaching : Biblical Foundations, Method, and Practice
Book SeriesStudies in Historical and Systematic Theology Ser.
AuthorPaul Grimmond
PublisherFaithlife Corporation
Item Length9 in
TopicChristian Theology / Systematic, Christian Theology / General, Christian Ministry / Preaching, Christian Theology / Ecclesiology
Item Width6 in
Number of Pages416 Pages

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