Do you want to know more about the subject of plural marriage, also known as polygamy from a biblical perspective? Are there passages that you feel unequestionably condemn the practice? Are you puzzled by other texts that just don't seem to harmonize with what you've been taught? Why did God allow faithful men like Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Gideon, David and others to have more than one wife? Does the New Testament have anything to say about polygamy?They Shall Become One Flesh addresses the subject of polygamy from a bible-based perspective. While there are many discussions being held from a legal and cultural viewpoint, some have not always approached the subject from an inquiry of the Scriptures. A few writers address the illegality of polygamy measured by Western culture and laws as conflicts with the state, even regarding nations that pre-existed Western civilization as barberic because of their practice of polygamy. Others seek to denounce it on religious grounds or on the basis of inequality and abuse. In societies that adhere to a Western philosophy of marriage, divorce rates are high, creating a condition known as serial polygamy, --the divorcing of one spouse to marry another.Discussed in this book are the tough questions centered around Genesis 2:24 and what God meant from the beginning on marriage and becoming one flesh. We also address Paul's teaching in 1 Timothy 3:2 and 9, where the text speaks of the marriages of bishops and deacons and whether those leadership roles forbade polygamy and became patterns for the church moving forward. Polygamy was undeniably practiced in the Old Testament. To this there is no disagreement, but what about the New Testament? What does it have to say on the subject?Many believe that polygamy constitutes adultery in all cases since it violates their standards of marriage as one man for one woman. When the Lord spoke on marriage in Matthew 19:1-9, was he condemning polygamy or unlawful divorce? The answer to these questions are irrefutably presented.The major question in the book is does God regard polygamy, particularly polygyny, as a sin? What is the difference between polygyny and polyandry? The Bible provides the answer to both questions so that even a novice student can distinguish between the two.Have the churches been correct in denying membership to polygamous unions in the past and present? Should the church condemn and demand the break up of plural marriages and families? What are the consequences for denying access into the fellowship of God based on interpretations of Scriptures by Western missionaries and theologians?Can the present day church ignore this subject which is growing in interest? If there is no revelation from God on the matter, how can the church address it? How well have the societies that practice monogamy only done in maintaining stablity and holiness in their homes, social lives and the world at large?What about polyandry, a woman having more than one living husband? Does the Bible approve of it? What does God mean when he says they shall be one flesh? How is this phrase used in the Scriptures and what examples do we have to assist us in understanding it?Read this book if you want these and more answers about the subject. You will certainly be well versed and blessed by the study. For those seeking answers to the critical questions, this book is an excellent start and may be all you need to walk away with solid conviction of where the scriptures stand on the matter.100% Satisfaction Guaranteed! Unmarked Copy!