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Think!: Why Crucial Decisions Can't Be Made in the Blink of an Eye by Michael R.

He and his wife, Anneli, have two children. From the over- load of reality TV shows and gossip magazines that have rendered curiosity of the mind and spirit obsolete to permissive parenting and low standards that have caused an academic crisis among our children, LeGault looks at all aspects of modern lives and points to how and where it all went wrong.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleThink! : Why Crucial Decisions Can't Be Made In the Blink of an Eye
PublisherThreshold Editions
Item Length8.2 in
Publication Year2006
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height1.2 in
AuthorMichael R. Legault
GenrePolitical Science, Self-Help, Psychology, Business & Economics, History
TopicEconomics / Macroeconomics, Cognitive Psychology & Cognition, Political Ideologies / Conservatism & Liberalism, United States / General, Creativity, Marketing / Research
Item Weight10.4 Oz
Item Width5.3 in
Number of Pages368 Pages

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