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Thinking Strategies for Student Achievement: Improving Learning Across the Curri

It is important for classroom teachers and school leaders to be able to justify why they are using specific strategies and what the benefits are of a specific strategy. Nessel and Graham provide this justification.".

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleThinking Strategies for Student Achievement: Improving Learning A
Subject AreaEducation
Publication NameThinking Strategies for Student Achievement : Improving Learning Across the Curriculum, K-12
PublisherCorwin Press
Item Length10 in
SubjectEducational Psychology, Learning Styles, Counseling / Academic Development, Teaching Methods & Materials / General
Publication Year2006
Item Height0.6 in
AuthorDenise D. Nessel, Joyce M. Graham
Item Weight16 Oz
Item Width7 in
Number of Pages248 Pages

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