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This Pilgrim Nation: The Making of the Portuguese Diaspora in Postwar North

This book tells the transnational history of Portuguese communities in Canada and the United States against the backdrop of the Cold War, the American Civil Rights movement, the Portuguese Colonial War, and Canadian multiculturalism. It considers the ethnic, racial, class, gender, linguistic, regional, and generational permutations of "Portuguese" diaspora from both a transnational and comparative perspective. Besides showing that diasporas and nations can be co-dependent, This Pilgrim Nation counters the common notion that hybrid diasporic identities are largely benign and empowering by revealing how they can perpetuate asymmetrical power relations.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 424 pages
AuthorFernandes, Gilberto
Book TitleThis Pilgrim Nation: The Making of the Portuguese
Item Height2.8 cm
Item Length22.6 cm
Item Weight0.64 kg
Item Width15.2 cm
PublisherUniversity of Toronto Press

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