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Touching Peace : Practicing the Art of Mindful Living, Paperback by Nhat Hanh...

Th reminds us to focus on what is refreshing and healing within and all around us, and how, paired with the practice of mindful breathing, it can be used as the basis for examining the roots of war and violence, alcoholism and drug abuse, and social alienation.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleTouching Peace : Practicing the Art of Mindful Living
PublisherParallax Press
Item Length8 in
Publication Year2005
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height0.3 in
AuthorThich Nhat Hanh
GenreFamily & Relationships, Body, Mind & Spirit, Philosophy, Self-Help
TopicMindfulness & Meditation, Buddhist, General, Conflict Resolution
Item Weight6.2 Oz
Item Width5.4 in
Number of Pages136 Pages

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