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Translating Evidence and Interpreting Testimony at a War Crimes Tribunal: Workin

Can a witness testify if the judges and attorneys cannot understand what the witness is saying?. The very viability of international criminal prosecution and adjudication hinges on the massive amounts of translation and interpreting that are required in order to run these lengthy, complex trials, and the procedures for handling the demands facing language services.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Book TitleTranslating Evidence and Interpreting Testimony at a War Crimes Tribunal : Working in a Tug-Of-War
Book SeriesPalgrave Studies in Languages at War Ser.
PublisherPalgrave Macmillan The Limited
Item Length8.5 in
Publication Year2015
FormatTrade Paperback
AuthorEllen Elias-Bursac, E. Elias-Bursac
GenrePolitical Science, Language Arts & Disciplines
TopicPeace, Linguistics / Sociolinguistics, Translating & Interpreting
Item Weight15 oz
Item Width5.5 in
Number of PagesXx, 311 Pages

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