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Under the Gaze of the Bible (Perspectives in Continental Philosophy)

Chretien's essays on reading sacred scripture are enriched by his immersion in the classics of ancient philosophy and theology, as well as his poetic sensibility. He is as likely to quote Claudel as Aquinas or Origen. His intimate acquaintance with Patristic writings combines with a sympathetic understanding of such Protestant sources as Luther, Calvin, and Barth to yield an admirably ecumenical perspective. The book's title refers to James 1:23-24, which portrays the Word of God as a mirror into which one gazes. The concomitant notion of not only examining the text but also being examined by the Word is a fruitful one for learning how to be more fully nourished by one's study of the Bible.

31.30$ Buy It Now

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Seller yourglobalmall ( 42210 ⭐ ) 97.1%
Location: Hillsdale, AU, NSW
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ConditionBrand New
Item Length22.6 cm
Item Weight0.25 kg

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