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Unleashing the Power of Praying in the Spirit! - Oral Roberts - 1993 - 153 pages

This book, written by Oral Roberts, is a nonfiction narrative that explores the topic of prayer language from the Holy Spirit, gifts of the Spirit, and Pentecostal beliefs. The book is written in English and is perfect for those who are seeking a deeper understanding of spirituality and religious beliefs.The author, Oral Roberts, is well-known for his contribution to the religious and spiritual genre.

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ConditionVery Good
Publication Year2001
Book TitleUnleashing the Power of Praying in the Spirit
AuthorOral Roberts
Narrative TypeNonfiction
PublisherHarrison House
GenreReligious & Spiritual
TopicPrayer language from the Holy Spirit, Gifts of the Spirit, Pentecostal
Number of Pages153 pages

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