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US War Machine, encyclopedia of American military equipment and strategy, Bonds

This incredible book is a must-have for any military enthusiast. The pages are filled with detailed information about American military equipment and strategy. The author, Bonds, has created an extensive encyclopedia that covers everything from the Revolutionary War to modern times. The book is written in English and focuses on the topic of military history. It includes information about regional cuisine, specifically American cuisine. This is a great addition to any history book, especially those interested in military history.

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ConditionVery Good
Book TitleUS War Machine
Book SeriesHistorical
Ex LibrisNo
Narrative TypeNonfiction
Original LanguageEnglish
Intended AudienceAdults, Young Adults
Regional CuisineAmerican
EditionCollector's Edition
Publication YearUnknown
FeaturesDust Jacket
TopicMilitary, War, Aircraft
Country/Region of ManufactureUnited States

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