"Who am I, really? What did I come here to do? Who am I in relationships?" A good therapist will help you answer these questions; so will a good astrologer. Dr. Jennifer Freed has a deep understanding of both these areas of practice, and she has incredible success in combining them in her work with individuals and groups for the last 25 years.In Choose Your Fate, Dr. Freed introduces you to psychological astrology as a way to dive deep into understanding yourself and others in a profound and life-changing way. If you think of yourself as simply a Virgo or a Pisces or a Capricorn, be prepared to expand your self-knowledge many-fold. "Your birth chart reveals at least ten times more about you than you might have thought," says Dr. Freed. "The knowledge in this book will give you a far more complete picture of your psychological and emotional blueprint."By understanding your cosmic DNA, nine core strengths, and cosmic committee, you'll come to trust that there is a divine orchestration that guides you, that you have a purpose in the world, and that both your light and your shadows are welcome participants in your psychological and relational lives.Choose Your Fate is for everyone who would like to better know themselves, have better relationships, and enjoy greater happiness and fulfillment in community.