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Using Complexity Theory for Research and Program Evaluation by Michael Wolf-Bran

Every agency worker has been faced with a deluge of records, making it difficult to grasp onto structures and trends undergirding behavior. Concepts such as bordering between chaos and equilibrium, diverse perspectives, diverse heuristics, robustness, and wisdom of crowds are considered and applied to social work research studies.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleUsing Complexity Theory for Research and Program Evaluation
Subject AreaPolitical Science, Philosophy, Social Science
Publication NameUsing Complexity Theory for Research and Program Evaluation
PublisherOxford University Press, Incorporated
Item Length5.5 in
SubjectSocial Work, Public Policy / Social Services & Welfare, General, Research
Publication Year2013
SeriesPocket Guide to Social Work Research Methods Ser.
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height0.5 in
AuthorMichael Wolf-Branigin
Item Weight10.6 Oz
Item Width8.2 in
Number of Pages224 Pages

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