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Vagus Nerve: Unlocked - Guide to Unleashing Your Self-Healing Ability and Achiev

You already know that the body can heal itself from injury. But did you know that it also has the power to bounce back from the most debilitating diseases?. I'm talking about the vagus nerve, that long pair of nerve fibers that connect the brain to various organs in the body.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleVagus Nerve
Publication Year2020
FormatTrade Paperback
Subject AreaCooking
Publication NameVagus Nerve : Unlocked - Guide to Unleashing Your Self-Healing Ability and Achieving Freedom from Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Trauma, Inflammation and Autoimmunity
Educational LevelAdult & Further Education
AuthorEvans Mark
PublisherAlakai Publishing LLC

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