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Vintage Classics Ser.: Dubliners by James Joyce (1993, Paperback)

This vintage paperback book, published in 1993, is a classic piece of literature that will surely captivate any reader. Written by James Joyce, the book titled Dubliners, is a collection of short stories that showcase the author's unique style of satire and literary fiction. The book is a part of the Vintage Classics Ser. and is published by Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. It is written in English and is perfect for those who appreciate vintage books. With its classic design and captivating content, this book is a must-have for any book lover's collection.

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Publication Year1993
FormatTrade Paperback
Book TitleDubliners
Book SeriesVintage Classics Ser.
AuthorJames Joyce
PublisherVintage Books
TopicClassics, Short Stories (Single Author), Satire, Literary

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