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Vulnerability and Resilience to Natural Hazards by Sven Fuchs (English) Hardcove

In recent years there has been growing recognition that disaster risk cannot be reduced by focusing solely on physical hazards without considering factors that influence socio-economic impact. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the concepts of vulnerability and resilience and their application to natural hazards research.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleVulnerability and Resilience to Natural Hazards
Subject AreaNature, Science
Publication NameVulnerability and Resilience to Natural Hazards
PublisherCambridge University Press
Item Length10 in
SubjectEarth Sciences / Mineralogy, Natural Disasters
Publication Year2018
Item Height0.8 in
AuthorThomas Thaler
Item Weight31.4 Oz
Item Width7 in
Number of Pages350 Pages

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