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War and Peace in the Taiwan Strait, Paperback by Kastner, Scott L., Like New ...

How concerned, however, should we truly be about the possibility of such conflict in the Taiwan Strait?. Beijing, in turn, has increased military and diplomatic pressure on Taiwan. Looking toward Taiwan's future, however, there is much potential for high destabilization due to the continuing cross-Strait military balance of power, a point not yet fully appreciated in existing writing on the Taiwan Strait.

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ConditionLike New
Book TitleWar and Peace in the Taiwan Strait
Subject AreaPolitical Science, History
Publication NameWar and Peace in the Taiwan Strait
PublisherColumbia University Press
Item Length0.9 in
SubjectAsia / General, World / Asian, International Relations / Diplomacy
Publication Year2022
SeriesContemporary Asia in the World Ser.
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height0.1 in
AuthorScott L. Kastner
Item Weight13.8 Oz
Item Width0.6 in
Number of Pages272 Pages

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