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War Child: A Boy Soldier's Story by Emmanuel Jal [Paperback]

Emmanuel Jal was seven years old when he became a soldier and went into battle with the rebel army in Sudan's bloody civil war. Believing he was being sent to school, Emmanuel trekked his way to a refugee camp in Ethiopia where he became one of the Lost Boys of Sudan. After nearly five years of fighting, Emmanuel was smuggled into Kenya by Emma McCune, a British aid worker, and finally began to have a childhood and an education. When Emma died tragically, Emmanuel struggled to find purpose in life but eventually - through the power of prayer and music - he succeeded. From child soldier, to refugee, to rap star, War Child is one boy's incredible story of survival and triumph.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 288 pages, Digital original Edition
AuthorEmmanuel Jal
Book TitleWar Child: A Boy Soldier's Story by Emmanuel Jal [
Item Height2.4 cm
Item Length19.6 cm
Item Weight0.22 kg
Item Width12.8 cm
PublisherLittle, Brown Book Group

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