Why Are We Facing Never Ending Terrorism?Political violence and terrorism have been, literally, bleeding humanity throughout the world. This book sheds light on terrorism, highlighting the causes of this evil, including religion, wealth disparity, poverty, dysfunctional government, and the crippling lending policies of international financial institutions.In particular, it highlights one major gray area not discussed by conventional writers - the Colonial Legacy.This book highlights every aspect of political development from the birth of new nations to the race for supremacy. The impact of scarce mineral resources, the role of religions, the Shia-Sunni turmoil in the Middle East, and last but not least, the militarization processes are all discussed. Greed allows terrorism to take root and to be nurtured. It leads the religious to be abused and innocent people to be victimized by war's profiteers.
Mr. Hares Sayed, an engineer, is engaged with various civic and professional organizations and actively participates in activities related to economic development, and democratic processes and practices, especially in 3rd world countries. He has authored many articles published in prestigious journals, and has spearheaded a technical handbook for the US Federal government. He served as a Senior Consulting Advisor for USAID, led various professional organizations, and developed various capacity development programs for sustainable economic development for 3rd world countries. He has traveled extensively to understand public perceptions of those countries related to their on-going crises. He is currently living in the Washington metro area.