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Way of Tarot : The Spiritual Teacher in the Cards, Paperback by Jodorowsky, A...

Explore the world of spirituality with "The Way of Tarot: The Spiritual Teacher in the Cards" by Alejandro Jodorowsky and Marianne Costa. This paperback book, published in 2009 by Inner Traditions Bear Factory AND Company, is a valuable resource for those interested in mental health and spiritual growth. With 552 pages, this book offers insights into the world of tarot and spirituality. It is a must-read for anyone interested in the topic. The book measures 229mm in height and 153mm in width, and weighs 1g. The language of the book is English, and it falls under the genre of spirituality.

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Publication Year2009
Book TitleThe Way of Tarot: the Spiritual Teacher in the Cards
Item Height229mm
AuthorAlejandro Jodorowsky, Marianne Costa
Item Width153mm
Item Weight1g
Number of Pages552 Pages

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