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Who Cares Wins: Reasons for Optimism in a Changing World by Lily Cole (English)

Inequality--the world faces terrifying challenges that threaten to divide us, yet Lily Cole argues that it is up to us to actively choose optimism, collabo- rate, make changes, and define what is possible.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleWho Cares Wins : Reasons for Optimism in a Changing World
PublisherRizzoli International Publications, Incorporated
Item Length9.6 in
Publication Year2023
Item Height1.5 in
AuthorLily Cole
GenreNature, Self-Help, Science
TopicEnvironmental Conservation & Protection, Global Warming & Climate Change, Motivational & Inspirational
Item Weight30.7 Oz
Item Width6.3 in
Number of Pages480 Pages

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