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Why You Lie, Cheat & Deceive: The Eleventh Book in the Why Series of Books by

Written by one of the nation's leading behavioral scientists, Dr. Leland Benton is the author of over two dozen self-help books and nonfiction behavioral science texts. You need to read this book. It is the eleventh book of Dr. Benton's "Why" series of books.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleWhy You Lie, Cheat and Deceive : the Eleventh Book in the Why Series of Books
Book SeriesWhy Ser.
Item Length9 in
Publication Year2013
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height0.2 in
AuthorLeland Benton
TopicPersonal Growth / General
Item Weight7.5 Oz
Item Width6 in
Number of Pages104 Pages

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