A beloved spouse dies. Your husband, wife, and life partner is gone. Your world is upended. The emotional pain can be intense. Your heart begins asking questions. "Am I going crazy? Am I going to make it? Where is God in all this?" Many of the people around you don't know what to say or do. They utter clichés and platitudes. "It's okay. You're strong. You'll get through this." You need something more than this - far more. You need to know that it's okay to hurt, to be sad, and to grieve. You need to know that you're not crazy and that your grief is "normal." You need to know that you're not alone in this. You need to know that you will get through this, even though you will not be the same person you were before. And most of all, you need the comfort of God's presence. You need to experience his compassion and love. You need to know he is walking with you in your pain and grief. And that's what Widowed Walk is all about. Multiple award-winning author, speaker, hospice chaplain, and grief specialist Gary Roe has become a trusted voice in grief recovery who has been bringing comfort, hope, and encouragement to wounded hearts for more than three decades. A former missionary and pastor, Gary knows the spiritual questions that tug at your heart during this time of deep loss. God meets us in our pain and embraces us. He journeys with us through the emotional upheaval, mental confusion, physical distress, spiritual questioning, and relational changes. Jesus has personally experienced more pain, suffering, and grief than we can fathom. He knows. He gets it. He is the best grief companion imaginable. He walks with us through the loss of our spouse. That's what Widowed Walk is all about. Widowed Walk is designed to be read one chapter a day. Consider it a grief devotional. Take your time. Open your heart. Be honest about your thoughts and emotions. Allow Jesus to meet you in each day's reading. God is with you in your pain and grief. He loves you where you are, as you are. If you're willing, He will bring healing and growth to your broken heart. He will somehow use the loss of your beloved spouse for good - in your life and in the lives of those you touch. Let the Widowed Walk begin...
Multiple award-winning author, speaker, and grief specialist Gary Roe is a compassionate and trusted voice in grief recovery who has been bringing comfort, hope, encouragement, and healing to hurting, wounded hearts for more than 30 years. The author of numerous books, Gary has been featured by Focus on the Family, Dr. Laura, Beliefnet, the Christian Broadcasting Network, , ThriveGlobal, Charisma, Hospice Times, Hitched, The Parenting Bookmark, and other major media and has well over 600 grief-related articles in print. Recipient of the Diane Duncam Award for Excellence in Hospice Care, Gary is a popular keynote, conference, and seminar speaker at a wide variety of venues. A former college minister, missionary in Japan, entrepreneur in Hawaii, and pastor in Texas and Washington, he now serves as a writer, speaker, and grief counselor. Gary loves being a husband and father. He has seven adopted children, including three daughters from Colombia. He enjoys hockey, corny jokes, good puns, and colorful Hawaiian shirts. Gary and his wife Jen and family live in Texas. Visit Gary at .