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Windy Dryden The Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy Primer (Paperback)

Devised by Albert Ellis in 1955, and subsequently further developed and refined, REBT is based on the principle that ‘People are not disturbed by the adversities that they face. The book takes the reader step by step through these processes, culminating in a detailed transcription of a single session of REBT.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleThe Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy Primer
Publication NameThe Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy Primer
TitleThe Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy Primer
SubtitleA concise introduction
AuthorWindy Dryden
PublisherPCCS Books
GenreSociety & Culture
Release Date11/18/2021
Release Year2021
Country/Region of ManufactureGB
Item Height198mm
Item Length129mm
Item Width11mm
Item Weight225g
SeriesPrimers in Counselling Series

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