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Woodworking Wisdom & Know-How: Everything You Need to Know to Design, Build, and

Woodworking Wisdom & Know-How is the essential go-to book for every woodworking project under the sun, from building kitchen cabinets to refinishing a deck. Each section is further broken down into chapters that cover specific skills, projects, and crafts for both the beginner and the advanced woodworker--Choosing Plywood, Cutting Dovetails, Building a Look-Inside Birdhouse, Relief Carving, Constructing a Classic Bed, Handheld Power Tools, Building a Cherry Chest of Drawers, Milling Lumber Four-Square, Fashioning a Shaker- Style Clock, and much more.

39.19$ Buy It Now

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Seller the_nile_uk_store ( 31049 ⭐ ) 98.7%
Location: London, GB
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