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You Are Your Purpose: Awaken Your Inner Magic, Self-Love, and Clarity of Purpose

The book's magic emanates from the synergy between gorgeous poetic language that illuminates an inner dialogue, and the depth of human experience Weis is able to attain. Taking you through the spiral of life lessons, dancing between free will and destiny, and uplifting your spirit to its wider view of life, this insightful guide opens a pathway to expanding into a fuller being.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication Year2016
FormatTrade Paperback
Book TitleYou Are Your Purpose : Awaken Your Inner Magic, Self-Love, and Clarity of Purpose
AuthorYoram Weis
PublisherInward Portal Press
GenreReligion, Poetry
Item Length8.5 in
TopicSpirituality, General
Item Width5.5 in
Number of Pages206 Pages

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