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Youth, Education and Employment: International Perspectives (Routledge Revivals)

First published in 1983, Youth, Education and Employment tries to highlight the scale of the problem of youth unemployment in industrial societies by examining it from a variety of angles, and by drawing upon developments in other countries including those of the developing world. Examples are taken from France, Germany, Denmark and Sweden as well as from the United Kingdom, and also from Cuba and small island communities. This important volume shows the underlying causes of youth unemployment and offers positive solutions in particular stressing the need for a reappraisal of many educational practices. This book is a must read for educationists, policy makers and students of public policy.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 190 pages
AuthorKeith Watson (Edited by)
Book TitleYouth, Education and Employment: International Per
Item Height15.6 cm
Item Weight0.35 kg
Item Width23.4 cm

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